KICT and KIEL Join Forces for Green Building Developmen

Date Created : 2023-07-05    Views : 103



- MOU for joint cooperation on climate crisis response and national energy issues in the construction sector.
- Aims to contribute to improving the quality of life for citizens through widespread adoption of zero-energy buildings, green remodeling, and collaborative efforts in energy technology development.


KIEL Institute (President Hyunhoon Cho, hereafter 'KIEL') and the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (President Byungseok Kim, hereafter 'KICT') signed a business agreement on June 29th in the meeting room of the KICT to enhance cooperation on climate crisis response and the improvement of citizens' quality of life.

This agreement aims to leverage the expertise of both institutions to address climate issues in the construction sector and enhance the quality of life for citizens. The focus will be on promoting green building construction, achieving energy efficiency goals, and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the national construction sector.

Key collaboration areas include: 
◎ Establishing a mutual cooperation system for activating green building construction
◎ Creating a mutual cooperation system for policy and technological development in zero-energy buildings and green remodeling
◎ Joint research and technological cooperation in the national energy demand management field
◎ Collaborative research on the performance evaluation system and standardization of construction new technologies

KICT, as a government-funded research institution in the construction technology field celebrating its 40th anniversary, has been contributing to solving national and social issues through safety-oriented national land transportation technology. In recent years, it has focused on energy efficiency research, particularly towards achieving carbon neutrality.

KIEL Institute, formerly the Korea Lighting ICT Research Institute, specializes in the lighting field within the building energy sector. It is responsible for R&D, KS certification, KOLAS, standard development cooperation (COSD), IEC TC 34, ISO TC 97/TC 274, and activities in testing, certification, research, standards, and education across various fields such as building energy, construction materials, renewable energy, electronics, and ICT. The institute has been strengthening its efforts in energy efficiency research, emphasizing zero-energy buildings, and promoting green remodeling.

Up to now, both institutions have shared various achievements through joint participation in national projects, including the development and revision of national standards for construction materials. This agreement is expected to further enhance collaboration in the field of building energy.

Hyunhoon Cho, President of KIEL Institute, stated, "KICT's long-standing global research capabilities in the construction technology field with KIEL's energy efficiency capabilities is expected to produce significant outcomes in the building energy and energy demand management sectors. We will actively collaborate with KICT to lead the way."

Byungseok Kim, President of KICT, responded, "Let's actively collaborate with a united heart to contribute to climate crisis response and improving the quality of life for citizens."

The event was attended by President Byungseok Kim, Chief Researcher Kyeongseok Choi, Director of External Cooperation Information Office Sangmok Oh from KICT, and President Hyunhoon Cho, Head of Green Energy Division Jongbin Park, and Director of External Cooperation Office Taehoon Lee from KIEL Institute, who expressed their commitment to cooperation.



