KIEL and CPRI Sign MOU for the Development of Convergence Industries

Date Created : 2023-07-05    Views : 121

"KIEL and CPRI Open MOU for Convergence Industry Development"

"Quantum Dot Nano Materials, Joint Research for Convergence of Optical Display and Bio-Healthcare Industries"


KIEL Institute, led by Director Cho Hyun-hoon, signed a 'Business Agreement for the Development of Convergence Industries' with Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute, led by Director Hwang Myung-geun, on June 30th in the meeting room of Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute.

This business agreement aims to establish a close cooperation system through mutual collaboration for the continuous development of the convergence industry. The main areas of cooperation include:

Technological development in the field of convergence lighting and ICT technology, as well as related applications.
Reliability evaluation, analysis, and prediction in the field of convergence lighting and ICT technology, and related applications.
Establishment of a cooperative relationship for the development of convergence industries, including the exchange of knowledge, information, facilities, and personnel.
Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute was established based on the local government research institute cultivation project in 2006 and received establishment approval from the MOTIE. Over the past 20 years, the institute has been conducting research on advanced materials and component industries, as well as bio-related technologies.

KIEL (formerly Korea Institute of Lighting and ICT) is the only specialized institute in the field of lighting, which is a part of the building energy sector. Starting as a dedicated institute in the lighting sector, KIEL Institute performs various tasks, including research and development in the field of green energy, testing, certification, standardization, and workforce training, in line with the government's policies on carbon neutrality and demand efficiency enhancement.

Director Cho Hyun-hoon of KIEL Institute expressed, "When the excellent equipment and personnel of Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute meet with KIEL Institute's ICT convergence technology, synergies can be achieved in the fields of agriculture and life, bio, and energy." Director Hwang Myung-geun of Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute stated, "With mutual trust between KIEL Institute and Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute, active business exchange is expected to enhance the technological competitiveness of both institutions and lead to innovative development in the field of optical-energy convergence industries."



